Dead Man's Switch

How to use Dead Man's Switch to send your loved ones letters

Many people contact us, asking how they can send letters to their parents, children, siblings or loved ones after they pass. Dead Man's Switch can help with that, as it's very easy to set up a few email messages to be sent after your death.

To do that, just go to the home page, write a new message, and add the recipients. After that, you can choose the custom intervals below the message box. We recommend either one or two months, so you have ample warning to check in. Dead Man's Switch will notify you every so often with an email and urge you to visit the site. If you don't visit in the time period you've chosen, the messages you wrote will be sent to your loved ones.

You should also make sure to enable push notifications from your account page, so you have a second method of notification. You can enable push notifications on your desktop and phone browser for multiple ways to be notified, to make sure you don't miss any check-ins.

As always, if you need any help, please email us.

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